RAINBOW VALLEY BOOKS - Stepping Around Assia - Donald Clark

Stepping Around Asia


Based on diaries Donald Clark writes about a journey
lasting several months through Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Vietnam. His style is quirky and amusing as you share his problems and adventures.

The Author writes:
Though I have lived most of my ‘previous’ life in the UK, I have always loved travel. From youth to more mature times, having set up home and brought up a family, the decades passed all too quickly.  After my children became adults and I retired I found time to extend a passion for boundless journeys, set in a much loved foreign land where I now spend a great deal of my time. I later had the concept of allowing myself an expedition to the Far East, having a lengthy break, to travel as much as possible, visiting places unknown looking for fresh pastures and adventures. The opportunity arose due to redundancy where, sitting back to reflect on life and looking forward with anticipation to a time of pleasure, the decision came to journey around Asia - as time waits for nobody.


No longer available on Amazon. A few copies available direct from Rainbow Valley Books. £4.99 -£2 package and posting. Total speciaial offer £6

Book Description (150pp; 27 illustrations; glossy cover; paperback)